- Media Activism in Turkey’s Exiled LGBT Community, MariCorners Congreso Internacional de Estudios Interdisciplinares LGTBIQ+, 28-31 March 2023, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
- Video Activism in Exile: An Ethnographic Study, Bearing Witness, Seeking Justice: Videography in the Hands of the People, 5-7 Octobre 2022, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA.
- Experiences of Migration from Turkey to Germany: The Female Guest Worker in Contemporary Documentaries, XXVIII Visible Evidence 2022: Images of History, 10-14 August 2022, University of Gdańsk, Poland.
- Playful Activism of Online Mash-up Videos: Political Critique through Satire, NECS European Network for Cinema and Media Studies: Epistemic Media: Atlas, Archive, Network. 22-26 June 2022, Bucharest, Romania.
- Résistance face à la censure et pratiques créatives des cinéastes kurdes en Turquie, Alternatives cinématographiques et audiovisuelles: Images Hors-la-loi, 1-3 June 2022, Nice, France.
- New Activist Diaspora from Turkey in Germany: Audio-Visual Production on Integration, Migration and Identity, Activating Attention: Political Videos on Social Media, 20-21 January 2022, Online.
- “Why can’t I walk in my own country?” LGBTI+ community’s Visual Activism in Turkey, Radical Film Network Meeting Berlin, 25-28 August 2021, Berlin, Germany.
- Short Films in Turkey: Themes and Aesthetics, Screening Possibilities and Industry Relations, 20-21 September 2019, The Short Film: A Genre Sui Generis Conference, 16th In the Palace International Short Film Festival, Varna, Bulgaria.
- The Limits of the Humanitarian Approach in Turkish Documentaries on African Immigrants, 9-11 May 2019, XX. New Directions in Turkish Film Studies Conference: Cinema and Migration, Kadir Has University (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Resistance and Screening Practices of Kurdish Filmmakers as Radical Filmmakers in Turkey, 2-5 May 2019, The Radical Film Network Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
- The Technological Turn of the Femme Fatale: The Fembot and Alternative Fates, 11-13 April 2019, Female Subjectivity and Agency in Film and Television, Bilgi University, Department of Film and Television, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Video Activism as a Tool for Political Engagement, June 2018, NECS European Network for Cinema and Media Studies: Media Tactics and Engagement, Amsterdam, Holland.
- Documenting Injustice in a Time of Media Blackout, November 2017. Citizenship and Surveillance: The Camera as Witness, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- The Body Unraveled in Marina de Van’s Dans Ma Peau, June 2017. NECS European Network for Cinema and Media Studies: Sensibility and the Senses. Media, Bodies, Practices (Paris, France)
- The Evolution of Video Activism in Turkey, May 2017. The Power of Activist Video, ICI Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- In the Pursuit of Desire: The Films of Catherine Breillat, December 2016. Sex and Cinema: A Film Studies Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
- Surviving Censorship: The Rise of Citizen Journalism during the Gezi Park Protests, July 2016. NECS European Network for Cinema and Media Studies: In/Between Cultures of Connectivity, Potsdam, Germany.
- Rethinking Pornography within the Context of the French New Extremity: The case of Baise-Moi, May 2015. Provocation as Art: Scandal, Shock and Sexuality in Contemporary Visual Culture, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania.
- The Role of Social Media during the Taksim Gezi Park Protests, Fachhochschule Kiel, Germany, November 2014, Guest Lecturer
- The Role of Social Media during the Taksim Gezi Park Protests, University of Flensburg, Germany, November 2014, Guest Lecturer
- The Revelation of Consumption Practices: The Internet as a Space for Interactive and Creative Audience Reception, June 2014. NECS, European Network for Cinema and Media Studies: Creative Energies, Creative Industries, Milan, Italy.
- Together but Alone: Isolation in the Digital Era, March 2012. Visualist 2012 International Congress on Visual Culture: New Approaches in Communication, Arts and Design: “Digitalization”, Istanbul Kültür University, Istanbul, Turkey.