For this episode of Chromatic Wednesdays, four short films were selected around the theme of Mythology. The films featured not only draw on mythic narratives, but create their own. Using humor, irony, monsters, found footage, and mythic stories, they unravel the manipulative nature of myths as they incorporate them into their cinematic work to form enigmas to be deciphered again.


  • «Lake of Fire» by NEOZOON (2022, Germany, 11 min, English)
  • «A Demonstration» by Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner (2020, Germany/ Netherlands/ United Kingdom, 25 minutes, English)
  • «Müjdeler Var Yurdumun Toprağına Taşına, Erdi Sinemam 100 Şeref Yaşına!» («We Bear Good News for Our Beloved Country, Our Cinema Is Celebrating Its 100th Anniversary!») by Hakkı Kurtuluş and Melik Saraçoğlu (2015, Turkey, 22 minutes, Turkish with English subtitles)
  • «On this shore, here» by Jasmina Metwaly (2022, Germany/ Belgium/ France, 23 minutes, English)
    The screening was followed by a Q&A session Jasmina Metwaly, Hakkı Kurtuluş and Melik Saraçoğlu, moderated by Şirin Fulya Erensoy.

To watch episode, please visit: